Nto moo zoo Roj Hmab Diaphragm Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Diaphragm Pump Mechanical Foob - Yokey

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Cov lus teb (2)

Peb ua raws li peb lub tuam txhab tus ntsuj plig ntawm "Quality, Performance, Innovation and Integrity". Peb lub hom phiaj los tsim tus nqi ntau ntxiv rau peb cov kev cia siab nrog peb cov peev txheej nplua nuj, cov tshuab tshiab, cov neeg ua haujlwm paub txog thiab cov khoom zoo thiab cov kev pabcuam rauOb daim di ncauj roj foob,Silicone Gaskets Foodgrade,Rod Foob Uprh, Zoo siab txais tos koj mus ncig thiab txhua yam koj nug, ua tsaug vam tias peb tuaj yeem muaj sijhawm los koom tes nrog koj thiab peb tuaj yeem txhim kho kev lag luam zoo nkauj me me kev sib raug zoo nrog koj.
Nto moo zoo Roj Hmab Diaphragm Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Diaphragm Twj Mechanical Foob - Yokey Qhia:

Khoom Paub meej

Khoom npe

Diaphragm Pump Mechanical Foob

Qhov tseeb qhov tseeb

± 2μm rau workpiece loj ≤ 600mm x 300mm
± 5μm rau workpiece loj ≤ 1200mm x 700mm


≤ 5μm

Pwm Lub Neej

500,000 - 3,000,000 txhaj tshuaj


Nyiaj, dub, OEM


30-90 ntug dej raws li qhov chaw ua haujlwm


compression, txhaj tshuaj los yog extrusion

Ua siab ntev

± 0.05 hli

Qhov ntom

1.0-2.0g / cm²

Lub neej ua haujlwm

10-30 xyoo

kev ua tau zoo

1.Zoo sealing thiab damping

2. Dej tsis kam

3. Anti-aging


5. roj resistant

6.siab resistant

Raws li qhov tseeb daim ntawv thov scenarios ntawm cov neeg siv khoom, muab cov khoom siv sib txawv, NBR, HNBR, XNBR, EPDM, VMQ, CR, FKM, AFLAS, FVMQ, FFKM, PTFE, PU, ​​ECO, NR, SBR, IIR, ACM. Siv tau ambient kub - 100 ℃ ~ 320 ℃, ozone kuj, huab cua tsis kam, tshav kub tsis kam, tshuaj tsis kam, roj tsis kam, dej nruj, txias tsis kam, abrasion tsis kam, deformation kuj, acid kuj, tensile zog, dej vapor kuj, kuj flammability, lwm.

Khoom zoo

Mature technology, ruaj khov zoo

Kev lees paub ntawm cov khoom zoo los ntawm cov tuam txhab ua lag luam

tus nqi tsim nyog

Yooj yim customization

ua tau raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau

Peb Qhov Zoo

1. Cov khoom siv ntau lawm:

CNC machining chaw, roj hmab mixing tshuab, preforming tshuab, nqus hydraulic molding tshuab, tsis siv neeg txhaj tshuab, tsis siv neeg ntug tshem tawm tshuab, theem nrab vulcanizing tshuab (roj foob di ncauj txiav tshuab, PTFE sintering rauv), thiab lwm yam.

2. Cov cuab yeej tshuaj xyuas zoo meej:

① Tsis muaj rotor vulcanization tester (kuaj lub sijhawm twg thiab qhov kub ntawm qhov kev ua haujlwm vulcanization yog qhov zoo tshaj).

②Tensile lub zog tester (nias cov roj hmab thaiv rau hauv cov duab dumbbell thiab sim lub zog ntawm sab sauv thiab sab qis).

③ Lub hardness tester yog imported los ntawm Nyiv (lub thoob ntiaj teb kam rau ua yog +5, thiab lub tuam txhab tus qauv shipping yog +3).

④ Lub projector yog tsim nyob rau hauv Taiwan (siv los ntsuas qhov khoom loj thiab qhov zoo li).

⑤ Tsis siv neeg cov duab zoo tshuaj xyuas tshuab (tsis siv neeg tshuaj xyuas ntawm cov khoom loj thiab cov tsos).

3.Exquisite technology:

① Muaj lub foob R & D thiab pab pawg tsim khoom los ntawm cov tuam txhab Japanese thiab Taiwanese.

② Nruab nrog high-precision imported ntau lawm thiab kuaj cov cuab yeej:

A. Pwm machining chaw tuaj ntawm lub teb chaws Yelemees thiab Taiwan.

B. Cov khoom siv tseem ceeb tuaj ntawm lub teb chaws Yelemees thiab Taiwan.

C. Cov khoom siv kuaj tseem ceeb yog tuaj ntawm Nyiv thiab Taiwan.

③Siv lub thoob ntiaj teb ua kev tsim khoom thiab kev siv thev naus laus zis, cov thev naus laus zis tsim tawm los ntawm Nyiv thiab Lub Tebchaws Yelemees.

4. Cov khoom ruaj khov zoo:

① Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv raw yog imported los ntawm: NBR nitrile roj hmab, Bayer, FKM, DuPont, EPDM, LANXESS, SIL silicone, Dow Corning.

② Ua ntej xa khoom xa tuaj, nws yuav tsum dhau ntau dua 7 qhov kev tshuaj xyuas nruj thiab kev sim.

③ nruj me ntsis siv ISO9001 thiab IATF16949 thoob ntiaj teb kev tswj hwm zoo.



Product details duab:

Nto moo zoo Roj Hmab Diaphragm Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Diaphragm Pump Mechanical Foob - Yokey nthuav dav duab

Nto moo zoo Roj Hmab Diaphragm Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Diaphragm Pump Mechanical Foob - Yokey nthuav dav duab

Nto moo zoo Roj Hmab Diaphragm Chaw tsim tshuaj paus - Diaphragm Pump Mechanical Foob - Yokey nthuav dav duab

Yam khoom Guide:

We love an incredibly fantastic stand amid our consumers for our superb item high quality, aggressive rate and also the finest help for Famous Best Rubber Diaphragm Chaw Tsim Tshuaj - Diaphragm Pump Mechanical Seal - Yokey , Cov khoom yuav muab rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no, xws li: Bolivia, Adelaide, Yemen, "Ua kom cov poj niam ntxim nyiam" yog peb txoj kev muag khoom. "Ua cov neeg siv khoom ntseeg siab thiab nyiam cov khoom lag luam" yog lub hom phiaj ntawm peb lub tuam txhab. Peb nruj nruj rau txhua feem ntawm peb txoj haujlwm. Peb zoo siab txais tos cov phooj ywg los sib tham txog kev lag luam thiab pib kev koom tes. Peb cia siab tias yuav koom tes nrog cov phooj ywg hauv kev lag luam sib txawv los tsim lub neej yav tom ntej zoo.
  • Cov chaw tsim khoom tau muab peb lub luv nqi loj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ntawm kev ua kom cov khoom zoo, ua tsaug ntau, peb yuav xaiv lub tuam txhab no dua.
    5 Hnub qubLos ntawm Caroline los ntawm Tajikistan - 2018.12.30 10:21
    Cov khoom peb tau txais thiab cov qauv muag cov neeg ua hauj lwm tso saib rau peb muaj zoo tib yam, nws yog tiag tiag ib tug creditable chaw tsim tshuaj paus.
    5 Hnub qubLos ntawm Arabela los ntawm Estonia - 2017.08.16 13:39
    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb